advancement meaning
advancement :
progress, improvement
▪ The advancement in technology is fast.
▪ The progress in technology is fast.
▪ She received an advancement at work.
▪ She got a promotion at work.
▪ progress – forward movement
▪ promotion – moving up in rank
▪ development – growth or progress
▪ improvement – making better
advancement [ədˈvænsmənt]
The stress is on 'vance' and sounds like 'ad-vans-ment'.
Common phrases and grammar about advancement
advancement - Common meaning
progress, improvement
Part of Speech Changes for "advancement"
▪ advance (verb) – to move forward
▪ advanced (adjective) – more developed
Common Expressions with "advancement"
▪ career advancement – moving up in a job
▪ technological advancement – progress in technology
▪ advancement opportunities – chances to move up
▪ seek advancement – look for progress
Important examples of advancement in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, advancement often refers to progress or promotion in a job.
Example of a confusing word: advertisement (a public notice)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Advancement is used as a noun in TOEIC grammar questions, often related to career or technology.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
career advancement
'job progress', used when talking about moving up in a job.
advancement in years
means 'growing older', used when talking about age.
Differences between similar words and advancement
Advancement often implies moving up or improving, while progress means moving forward generally.
Advancement can mean general improvement or progress, while promotion specifically refers to moving up in rank.
Words with the same origin as advancement
The origin of advancement
advancement comes from the Latin 'abante', meaning 'before' or 'forward', which evolved to mean moving forward or improving.
Word structure
It has the prefix ad (to), root vance (to move), and suffix ment (noun), so advancement means 'to move forward'.
Words with the same origin
The root of advancement is vance (to move). Words with the same root include advance (to move forward).