amount meaning
amount :
total, quantity
▪ The amount of water is low.
▪ The total of water is small.
▪ We need a large amount of paper.
▪ We need a big total of paper.
▪ sum – total
▪ volume – quantity
amount :
to add up to, to total
▪ The bill amounts to $50.
▪ The bill totals $50.
▪ His savings amount to a lot.
▪ His savings total a lot.
▪ total – add up to
▪ come to – add up to
▪ reach – add up to
amount [əˈmaʊnt]
The stress is on 'mount' and sounds like 'uh-mount'.
Common phrases and grammar about amount
amount - Common meaning
total, quantity
to add up to, to total
Part of Speech Changes for "amount"
▪ amounting (adjective) – totaling
▪ amounted (adjective) – totaled
Common Expressions with "amount"
▪ large amount – big total
▪ small amount – little total
▪ amount to – add up to
▪ total amount – complete total
Important examples of amount in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, amount often refers to the total of money or items.
Example of a confusing word: number (countable quantity)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, amount is used as a noun or a verb, often to show totals.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
amount of money
'total of money', used when talking about sums of money.
amount to nothing
means 'to result in nothing', used when efforts or actions lead to no result.
Differences between similar words and amount
Amount is used for both countable and uncountable totals, while total is often used for countable items.
Amount is often used for uncountable things, while quantity is used for countable things.
Words with the same origin as amount
The origin of amount
amount comes from the Latin 'admontare', which means 'to bring to a total'.
Word structure
It has the prefix a (to), root mount (to rise), and means 'to rise to a total'.
Words with the same origin
The root of amount is mount (to rise). Words with the same root include mountain (a large natural rise), surmount (to overcome), dismount (to get off).