announcement meaning
announcement :
statement, notice
▪ The announcement was made yesterday.
▪ The statement was given yesterday.
▪ They heard the announcement on the radio.
▪ They heard the notice on the radio.
▪ declaration – statement
▪ proclamation – notice
▪ broadcast – statement
▪ notification – notice
announcement [əˈnaʊnsmənt]
The stress is on 'noun' and sounds like 'uh-noun-smuhnt'.
Common phrases and grammar about announcement
announcement - Common meaning
statement, notice
Part of Speech Changes for "announcement"
▪ announce (verb) – to make a statement
▪ announcer (noun) – a person who makes statements
▪ announced (adjective) – stated or declared
Common Expressions with "announcement"
▪ make an announcement – to give a statement
▪ public announcement – a statement for everyone
▪ official announcement – a formal statement
▪ announcement of results – statement of outcomes
Important examples of announcement in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, announcement is often used to refer to official statements or notices.
Example of a confusing word: pronouncement (formal declaration)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Announcement is used as a noun in grammar questions, often paired with verbs like 'make' or 'issue'.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
public service announcement
'a message for the public', often used in media.
make an announcement
means 'to declare or state something', used in formal or public settings.
Differences between similar words and announcement
Announcement is a general statement, while declaration often implies a formal or official statement.
Announcement is a general notice, while proclamation often refers to an official or formal announcement.
Words with the same origin as announcement
The origin of announcement
announcement comes from the Latin 'annuntiare', meaning 'to bring news'.
Word structure
It has the prefix an (to), root nounc (declare), and suffix ment (noun), meaning 'to declare'.
Words with the same origin
The root of announcement is nounc (declare). Words with the same root include pronounce (to say clearly), renounce (to give up), denounce (to condemn).