annulment meaning
annulment :
cancellation, invalidation
▪ The annulment of the contract was unexpected.
▪ The cancellation of the contract was unexpected.
▪ They sought an annulment of their marriage.
▪ They wanted to cancel their marriage.
▪ cancellation – invalidation
▪ nullification – making void
▪ revocation – taking back
▪ invalidation – making invalid
annulment [əˈnʌlmənt]
The stress is on 'nul' and sounds like 'uh-nuhl-ment'.
Common phrases and grammar about annulment
annulment - Common meaning
cancellation, invalidation
Part of Speech Changes for "annulment"
▪ annul (verb) – to cancel officially
▪ annulled (adjective) – canceled officially
Common Expressions with "annulment"
▪ seek an annulment – to look for a cancellation
▪ obtain an annulment – to get a cancellation
▪ annulment of marriage – cancellation of marriage
▪ annulment of contract – cancellation of contract
Important examples of annulment in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, annulment is often used to mean the cancellation of a contract or agreement.
Example of a confusing word: announcement (a public statement)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Annulment is used as a noun in TOEIC grammar questions, often in the context of legal or official cancellations.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
annulment of marriage
'cancellation of marriage', used in legal contexts.
null and void
means 'not valid or legally binding', often used in legal documents.
Differences between similar words and annulment
Annulment is often used in legal contexts to mean canceling something officially, while cancellation is more general.
Annulment is used for canceling something officially, while nullification is used to make something void or invalid.
Words with the same origin as annulment
The origin of annulment
annulment comes from the Old French 'annuller', which meant to make void or cancel officially.
Word structure
It has the prefix an (to), root nul (nothing), and suffix ment (noun), so annulment means 'to make nothing'.
Words with the same origin
The root of annulment is nul (nothing). Words with the same root include nullify (to make void).