aptitude meaning
aptitude :
a natural ability, talent
▪ She has an aptitude for mathematics.
▪ She has a talent for math.
▪ His aptitude made him excel in his studies.
▪ His talent made him excel in his studies.
▪ talent – natural ability
▪ skill – ability
▪ capacity – capability
▪ knack – special ability
aptitude [ˈæp.tɪ.tjuːd]
The stress is on the first syllable 'ap' and sounds like 'AP-ti-tude'.
Common phrases and grammar about aptitude
aptitude - Common meaning
a natural ability, talent
Part of Speech Changes for "aptitude"
▪ apt (adjective) – suitable, fitting
▪ aptitudinal (adjective) – related to aptitude
Common Expressions with "aptitude"
▪ demonstrate aptitude – show a natural ability
▪ have aptitude – possess a natural ability
▪ show aptitude for – display a natural ability for something
▪ aptitude test – a test to measure natural ability
Important examples of aptitude in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, aptitude typically refers to a natural ability or talent.
Example of a confusing word: attitude (a settled way of thinking or feeling)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, aptitude is used as a noun and may require correct sentence structure around it.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
performance aptitude
level of natural ability used in tasks
aptitude development
improving natural abilities
Differences between similar words and aptitude
aptitude refers to a natural ability, while skill is usually developed through practice.
talent – aptitude
aptitude is a natural ability to learn or excel in something, while talent can refer to both innate ability and developed skills.
Words with the same origin as aptitude
The origin of aptitude
aptitude comes from the Latin 'aptitudo', meaning 'suitability' or 'ability'.
Word structure
It has the prefix 'apt-' (suitable), root '-tude' (state or condition), and means 'state of being suitable'.
Words with the same origin
The root of aptitude is 'apt'. Words with the same root include 'apt', 'adapt', 'adept', and 'inapt'.