ashamed meaning
ashamed :
feeling guilty or embarrassed
▪ She felt ashamed for lying.
▪ She felt guilty for lying.
▪ He was ashamed of his behavior.
▪ He was embarrassed by his behavior.
▪ embarrassed – feeling guilty or ashamed
▪ humiliated – feeling very ashamed
▪ mortified – feeling extremely ashamed
▪ regretful – feeling sorry and ashamed
ashamed [əˈʃeɪmd]
The stress is on the second syllable 'shamed' and sounds like 'uh-shaymd'.
Common phrases and grammar about ashamed
ashamed - Common meaning
feeling guilty or embarrassed
Part of Speech Changes for "ashamed"
▪ shame (noun) – a feeling of guilt or embarrassment
▪ shamed (verb) – caused to feel ashamed
▪ ashamedness (noun) – the state of being ashamed
Common Expressions with "ashamed"
▪ feel ashamed – to experience shame
▪ be ashamed of – to feel shame about something
▪ express shame – show that you feel ashamed
▪ ashamed look – a facial expression showing shame
Important examples of ashamed in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, ashamed is often used to describe emotions related to embarrassment or guilt.
Example of a confusing word: shy (timid)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
As an adjective, ashamed describes someone's feeling of embarrassment or guilt in TOEIC grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
feel ashamed
means 'to feel embarrassed or guilty', used when describing emotions.
swallow one’s pride
means 'to admit embarrassment or shame', used when accepting mistakes.
Differences between similar words and ashamed
Ashamed is used to express a deeper sense of guilt or personal responsibility, while embarrassed often refers to awkward or uncomfortable situations.
Ashamed often relates to a sense of personal failure or moral wrongdoing, while guilty specifically refers to having committed a fault or offense.
Words with the same origin as ashamed
The origin of ashamed
The word's etymology is not clear.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.