association meaning
association :
group, organization
▪ She is a member of the student association.
▪ She is part of the student group.
▪ The association holds meetings every month.
▪ The organization has meetings every month.
▪ club – group
▪ society – organization
▪ organization – group
▪ union – association
association [əˌsoʊ.siˈeɪ.ʃən]
The stress is on the third syllable 'eɪ' and sounds like 'uh-soh-see-AY-shun'.
Common phrases and grammar about association
association - Common meaning
group, organization
Part of Speech Changes for "association"
▪ associative (adjective) – relating to a group or organization
▪ associations (plural noun) – multiple groups or organizations
Common Expressions with "association"
▪ join an association – become a member of a group
▪ lead an association – be in charge of a group
▪ attend association meetings – go to group gatherings
▪ participate in an association – take part in group activities
Important examples of association in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, association often refers to groups or organizations related to business or professional contexts.
Example of a confusing word: assimilation (to absorb or integrate)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Association is used as a noun to describe an organized group, often requiring membership.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
professional association
'a group of professionals', used when referring to industry-specific organizations.
trade association
'an organization of businesses in the same industry', used when discussing industry standards or lobbying.
Differences between similar words and association
association is a formal organization, while club is usually informal.
association is a general term for organized groups, while society often refers to a more formal or academic group.
Words with the same origin as association
The origin of association
The word 'association' comes from the Latin 'associātiō,' meaning 'a joining or partnership.'
Word structure
It has the prefix 'as-' (to), root 'soci' (join), and suffix '-ation' (noun), so association means 'the act of joining.'
Words with the same origin
The root of association is 'soci' (join). Words with the same root include social, society, and sociable.