branch meaning
branch :
a division, a part of an organization
▪ She went to the bank branch near her house.
▪ She went to the local part of the bank near her house.
▪ The company's New York branch opened last year.
▪ The company's New York division started last year.
▪ office – division
▪ division – part
▪ branch – division
branch :
to divide into branches or parts
▪ The road branches into two smaller streets.
▪ The road splits into two smaller streets.
▪ Our company plans to branch into Europe.
▪ Our company plans to expand into Europe.
▪ divide – split
▪ extend – expand
▪ fork – split
▪ branch – extend
branch [bræntʃ]
The pronunciation for both noun and verb is the same: 'branch' sounds like 'bran-ch'.
Common phrases and grammar about branch
branch - Common meaning
a division, a part of an organization
to divide into branches or parts
Part of Speech Changes for "branch"
▪ branchy (adjective) – having many branches
▪ branchlet (noun) – a small branch
Common Expressions with "branch"
▪ branch office – a division of a company
▪ main branch – the primary division
▪ branch out into – expand into
▪ small branch – a smaller division
Important examples of branch in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, branch usually refers to a division or office of a company or bank.
Example of a confusing word: brand (a type of product)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, branch can function as both a noun and a verb, requiring correct usage in sentences.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
branch out
to expand into new areas
branch out into
to enter into a new field or market
Differences between similar words and branch
branch refers to a local office, whereas division often refers to a specialized section within a company.
branch is a part of a company in a different location, while office can refer to both the physical location and the administrative area.
Words with the same origin as branch
The origin of branch
branch comes from Old French 'branche', meaning 'a twig or arm of a tree'.
Word structure
It has no clear prefix or suffix, just the root 'branch'.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.