breathe meaning
breathe :
to inhale and exhale air
▪ Remember to breathe deeply.
▪ Remember to take deep breaths.
▪ It's hard to breathe in this crowded room.
▪ It's hard to take air in this crowded room.
▪ inhale – to breathe in
▪ exhale – to breathe out
▪ gasp – to breathe quickly
▪ puff – to breathe heavily
breathe [briːð]
The word is pronounced like 'bree-th'.
Common phrases and grammar about breathe
breathe - Common meaning
to inhale and exhale air
Part of Speech Changes for "breathe"
▪ breath (noun) – the air taken into or expelled from the lungs
▪ breathless (adjective) – without breath, gasping for air
▪ breathable (adjective) – allowing air to pass through
▪ breathily (adverb) – in a breathy manner
Common Expressions with "breathe"
▪ breathe deeply – take deep breaths
▪ breathe slowly – inhale and exhale slowly
▪ breathe heavily – inhale and exhale with effort
▪ breathe fresh air – inhale clean air
Important examples of breathe in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, breathe is often used in contexts related to breathing or taking air.
Example of a confusing word: breath (the air taken in or expelled)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, breathe is used as a verb and can be confused with the noun 'breath'.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
breathe easy
means 'to relax after being worried'
breathe new life
means 'to make something more active or interesting'
Differences between similar words and breathe
Breathe refers to the general process of taking air in and out, while inhale specifically means to take air into the lungs.
Breathe involves both inhaling and exhaling, while exhale only refers to breathing out.
Words with the same origin as breathe
The origin of breathe
The word 'breathe' comes from the Old English 'bræthen', meaning to take air into the lungs.
Word structure
The composition of the word is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The root of breathe is breath. Words with the same root include respire, inspire, perspire, transpire.