bureau meaning
bureau :
office, agency, desk, chest of drawers
▪ The FBI is a government bureau.
▪ The FBI is a government agency.
▪ Please put your clothes in the bureau.
▪ Please put your clothes in the chest of drawers.
▪ office – agency
▪ agency – office
▪ desk – bureau
▪ chest of drawers – bureau
bureau [ˈbjʊroʊ]
The stress is on the first syllable 'bu' and sounds like 'byur-oh'.
Common phrases and grammar about bureau
bureau - Common meaning
office, agency, desk, chest of drawers
Part of Speech Changes for "bureau"
▪ bureaucracy (noun) – government agency with many rules
▪ bureaucratic (adjective) – relating to government agencies
Common Expressions with "bureau"
▪ government bureau – an office in government
▪ news bureau – agency for news
▪ bureau of investigation – investigative office
▪ bureau staff – employees of an office
Important examples of bureau in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC Part 5 vocabulary questions, bureau is often used to refer to an office or agency.
Example of a confusing word: burial (the act of burying)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Bureau is a countable noun, so it can be singular or plural, and is used with articles.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
news bureau, travel bureau, government bureau, information bureau
The word 'bureau' does not have unique idiomatic expressions commonly used in TOEIC Part 7.
Differences between similar words and bureau
Bureau refers to a specific type of office or agency, often government, while office is a general term for a place of work.
Bureau refers to an office or agency, often government-related, while agency can refer to any business that provides a particular service.
Words with the same origin as bureau
The origin of bureau
bureau comes from the French word 'bureau', which originally referred to a writing desk.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.