calculate meaning
calculate :
to find a number, to work out
▪ She calculated the total cost.
▪ She worked out the total cost.
▪ We need to calculate the distance.
▪ We need to find the distance.
▪ compute – to work out
▪ figure – to find out
▪ reckon – to think or guess
▪ estimate – to guess a number
calculate [ˈkæl.kjəˌleɪt]
The stress is on 'cal' and sounds like 'kal-kyuh-layt'.
Common phrases and grammar about calculate
calculate - Common meaning
to find a number, to work out
Part of Speech Changes for "calculate"
▪ calculation (noun) – the act of finding a number
▪ calculated (adjective) – worked out or planned
Common Expressions with "calculate"
▪ calculate the cost – to find out the cost
▪ calculate the risk – to find out the risk
▪ calculate the distance – to find out the distance
▪ calculate precisely – to find out exactly
Important examples of calculate in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, calculate is often used to mean figuring out costs or amounts.
Example of a confusing word: calibrate (to adjust or standardize)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Calculate is often used as a transitive verb in TOEIC grammar questions, requiring an object like cost or amount.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
calculate the odds
'figure out the chances', used when talking about probability.
calculate to the last detail
means 'to figure out everything exactly'.
Differences between similar words and calculate
Calculate is used to find a number, while compute is often used for more complex calculations or with computers.
Calculate is used to find an exact number, while estimate is used to guess a number.
Words with the same origin as calculate
The origin of calculate
calculate comes from the Latin 'calculare', which first meant to count or reckon using small stones or pebbles.
Word structure
It has the root calcul (stone), and suffix ate (verb), so calculate means 'to count using stones'.
Words with the same origin
The root of calculate is calcul (stone). Words with the same root include calculus (branch of mathematics), calculator (device for calculations).