capability meaning
capability :
ability, capacity
▪ The company's capabilities have improved this year.
▪ The company's abilities have improved this year.
▪ Our team's capabilities are impressive.
▪ Our team's capacities are impressive.
▪ ability – capacity
▪ capacity – ability
▪ skill – ability
▪ competence – ability
capability [ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti]
The stress is on the second syllable 'bil' and sounds like 'kay-puh-bil-i-tee'.
Common phrases and grammar about capability
capability - Common meaning
ability, capacity
Part of Speech Changes for "capability"
▪ capable (adjective) – having the ability to do something
▪ capacity (noun) – the maximum amount that something can contain or produce
▪ capacitate (verb) – to make capable or empower
▪ capably (adverb) – in a capable manner
Common Expressions with "capability"
▪ develop capability – to improve ability
▪ core capabilities – main abilities
▪ enhance capabilities – to increase abilities
▪ expand capabilities – to grow abilities
Important examples of capability in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, capability is used to describe someone's or something's ability to perform tasks.
Example of a confusing word: capacity (volume or amount)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, capability is used as a singular noun and often follows determiners or possessive adjectives.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
core capabilities
'main abilities', used when discussing essential skills in a company.
increase capabilities
means 'to make abilities stronger', used in strategic planning.
Differences between similar words and capability
capability is used to describe the power to perform specific tasks, while ability refers to general skills or talents.
capability refers to the potential to perform specific tasks, while capacity often relates to the maximum limit or volume.
Words with the same origin as capability
The origin of capability
capability comes from the Latin 'capax', meaning 'able to hold or contain'.
Word structure
It has the root 'capable' and the suffix 'ity', so capability means 'the state of being able'.
Words with the same origin
The root of capability is 'capable'. Words with the same root include 'capacity', 'capacious', and 'capably'.