carve meaning
carve :
to cut, to shape
▪ She carved a pumpkin for Halloween.
▪ She cut a pumpkin for Halloween.
▪ He carved his name in the tree.
▪ He cut his name into the tree.
▪ sculpt – to shape by cutting
▪ engrave – to cut into a surface
▪ shape – to form or mold
▪ slice – to cut into pieces
carve [kɑːrv]
The stress is on 'car' and sounds like 'karv'.
Common phrases and grammar about carve
carve - Common meaning
to cut, to shape
Part of Speech Changes for "carve"
▪ carving (noun) – the act of cutting into a shape
▪ carved (adjective) – shaped by cutting
Common Expressions with "carve"
▪ carve a statue – to shape a figure from material
▪ carve a turkey – to cut a turkey for serving
▪ carve out time – to make time for something
▪ carve a design – to cut a pattern into something
Important examples of carve in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, carve often relates to making shapes or designs.
Example of a confusing word: curve (to bend)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Carve is usually used as a transitive verb, meaning it needs an object to act upon.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
carve a niche
means 'to create a special place or role'.
carve in stone
means 'to cut designs into stone'.
Differences between similar words and carve
Carve means to cut shapes, while sculpt often means to create a three-dimensional form.
Carve means to cut shapes, while engrave means to cut designs into a hard surface.
Words with the same origin as carve
The origin of carve
The word carve comes from Old English 'ceorfan,' meaning 'to cut or slice'.
Word structure
The composition of the word is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.