charity meaning
charity :
help, aid
▪ The charity helps poor people.
▪ The aid helps poor people.
▪ She gave money to charity.
▪ She gave money to help others.
▪ donation – gift for help
▪ philanthropy – love for helping others
▪ relief – help for those in need
▪ assistance – support or help
charity [ˈtʃær.ɪ.ti]
The stress is on 'char' and sounds like 'chair-i-tee'.
Common phrases and grammar about charity
charity - Common meaning
help, aid
Part of Speech Changes for "charity"
▪ charitable (adjective) – related to giving help
▪ charitably (adverb) – in a way that gives help
Common Expressions with "charity"
▪ give to charity – donate to help others
▪ work for a charity – help at an aid organization
▪ charity event – event to raise help
▪ charity organization – group that gives help
Important examples of charity in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, charity often refers to organizations that provide aid.
Example of a confusing word: clarity (clearness)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Charity is often used as a noun in TOEIC questions, focusing on acts of giving.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
charitable donation
'gift for help', used in contexts of giving money or goods.
charity begins at home
means 'one should take care of family before helping others'.
Differences between similar words and charity
Charity is the act of giving help, while donation is the actual gift or money given.
Words with the same origin as charity
The origin of charity
charity comes from the Latin 'caritas', which meant 'dearness, love, or affection'.
Word structure
It has no clear prefix, root carit (dearness), and suffix y (noun), meaning 'love or help'.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.