conclude meaning
conclude :
to end, to finish
▪ The meeting will conclude at 3 PM.
▪ The meeting will end at 3 PM.
▪ She concluded her speech with a joke.
▪ She ended her speech with a joke.
▪ finish – to bring to an end
▪ close – to bring to an end
▪ wrap up – to finish
▪ terminate – to end
conclude [kənˈkluːd]
The stress is on 'clude' and sounds like 'kuhn-klood'.
Common phrases and grammar about conclude
conclude - Common meaning
to end, to finish
Part of Speech Changes for "conclude"
▪ conclusion (noun) – the end or finish of something
▪ conclusive (adjective) – serving to end a matter
Common Expressions with "conclude"
▪ conclude a meeting – to end a meeting
▪ conclude a deal – to finish a deal
▪ conclude with – to end with
▪ conclude an agreement – to finish an agreement
Important examples of conclude in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, conclude is often used to mean the end of a meeting or event.
Example of a confusing word: include (to contain as part of the whole)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Conclude is often used in grammar questions as a transitive verb, requiring an object.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
draw a conclusion
'to decide something after thinking about it', used in decision-making contexts.
jump to conclusions
means 'to decide something quickly without enough information'.
Differences between similar words and conclude
Conclude is often used for formal endings, while finish can be used for both formal and informal contexts.
Conclude is often used for natural endings, while terminate is used for deliberate endings.
Words with the same origin as conclude
The origin of conclude
Conclude comes from the Latin 'concludere', meaning 'to shut up' or 'to finish'.
Word structure
It has the prefix con (together), root clud (to close), and suffix e (verb), meaning 'to close together'.
Words with the same origin
The root of conclude is clud (to close). Words with the same root include exclude (to shut out), include (to take in), preclude (to prevent).