construe meaning
construe :
to interpret, to explain
▪ She construed his silence as agreement.
▪ She understood his silence to mean agreement.
▪ The statement can be construed in many ways.
▪ The statement can be explained in many ways.
▪ interpret – to explain the meaning
▪ explain – to make clear
▪ understand – to know the meaning
▪ deduce – to figure out
construe [kənˈstruː]
The stress is on 'strue' and sounds like 'kuhn-stroo'.
Common phrases and grammar about construe
construe - Common meaning
to interpret, to explain
Part of Speech Changes for "construe"
▪ construction (noun) – the act of interpreting
▪ construed (adjective) – interpreted or explained
Common Expressions with "construe"
▪ construe a statement – to explain a statement
▪ construe as – to understand as something
▪ construe meaning – to explain the meaning
▪ construe intentions – to understand intentions
Important examples of construe in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, construe is often used to mean interpret or understand a message.
Example of a confusing word: construct (to build)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Construe is often used as a transitive verb in TOEIC questions, meaning it needs an object to complete its meaning.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
'misinterpret', used when talking about understanding something the wrong way.
construe the facts
means 'to interpret the facts', used when explaining or understanding facts.
Differences between similar words and construe
Construe is used to understand or explain something, while interpret is more about explaining the meaning of something in detail.
Words with the same origin as construe
The origin of construe
Construe comes from the Latin 'construere', which means 'to build together' and then came to mean 'to arrange words'.
Word structure
It has the prefix con (together), root stru (build), and suffix e (verb), meaning 'to build together'.
Words with the same origin
The root of construe is stru (build). Words with the same root include structure (the arrangement), construct (to build), and instruct (to teach).