contribute meaning
contribute :
to give, to help
▪ She contributes money to charity.
▪ She gives money to help others.
▪ They contribute ideas for the project.
▪ They give ideas to help the project.
▪ donate – to give
▪ provide – to supply
▪ offer – to give
▪ supply – to provide
contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt]
The stress is on 'trib' and sounds like 'kuhn-trib-yoot'.
Common phrases and grammar about contribute
contribute - Common meaning
to give, to help
Part of Speech Changes for "contribute"
▪ contribution (noun) – a gift or help
▪ contributor (noun) – a person who gives or helps
Common Expressions with "contribute"
▪ contribute to a cause – to give help to a reason
▪ contribute money – to give money
▪ contribute ideas – to give ideas
▪ contribute time – to give time
Important examples of contribute in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, contribute is often used to mean giving support or help.
Example of a confusing word: attribute (to regard something as being caused by)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Contribute is often used with 'to' in TOEIC grammar questions, showing what is being helped or supported.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
contribute to society
'help society', used when talking about social responsibility.
contribute one's two cents
means 'to give one's opinion', often used informally.
Differences between similar words and contribute
Contribute is used for giving help in general, while donate is often used for giving money or items specifically.
Words with the same origin as contribute
The origin of contribute
contribute comes from the Latin 'contribuere', meaning 'to bring together' or 'to add to'.
Word structure
It has the prefix con (together), root tribu (to give), and suffix te (verb), meaning 'to give together'.
Words with the same origin
The root of contribute is tribu (to give). Words with the same root include tribute (gift or act of giving).