corporation meaning
corporation :
company, firm
▪ The corporation is expanding its business overseas.
▪ The company is growing its business overseas.
▪ Many corporations offer good benefits to their employees.
▪ Many companies offer good benefits to their workers.
▪ company – corporation
▪ firm – company
▪ enterprise – company
▪ organization – group
corporation [ˌkɔː.pərˈeɪ.ʃən]
The stress is on the third syllable 'peɪ', sounding like 'kor-puh-RAY-shun'.
Common phrases and grammar about corporation
corporation - Common meaning
company, firm
Part of Speech Changes for "corporation"
▪ corporate (adjective) – related to a corporation
▪ corporately (adverb) – in a corporate manner
▪ incorporated (adjective) – formed as a corporation
▪ corporate governance (noun phrase) – the system of rules and practices by which a corporation is directed and controlled
Common Expressions with "corporation"
▪ large corporation – a big company
▪ multinational corporation – a company with operations in many countries
▪ public corporation – a company owned by the government
▪ private corporation – a company owned by private individuals
Important examples of corporation in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, corporation refers to a legal entity that is a company recognized by law.
Example of a confusing word: cooperation (working together)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, corporation is used as a singular noun, requiring singular verbs.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
corporate culture
the beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company’s employees and management interact
break up the corporation
to divide the company into smaller parts
Differences between similar words and corporation
corporation is a legal entity, while company is a general term for a business organization.
business – corporation
corporation refers to a legally defined company, whereas business refers to the activities of buying and selling.
Words with the same origin as corporation
The origin of corporation
corporation comes from the Latin word "corporatio", which means "a group of people forming a body".
Word structure
It has the root "corp" (body) and the suffix "-oration", so corporation means "a group of people forming a body".
Words with the same origin
The word's root is "corp" (body). Words with the same root include "corpse" (the body of a dead person), "corporate" (related to a corporation), "corporeal" (physical, having a body), and "corpus" (a collection of written texts).