counterpart meaning
counterpart :
equivalent, match
▪ She met her counterpart from the other company.
▪ She met the equivalent person from the other company.
▪ The mayor met his counterpart from the neighboring city.
▪ The city's mayor met the matching mayor from next door.
▪ equivalent – match
▪ peer – match
▪ duplicate – same thing
▪ twin – identical pair
counterpart [ˈkaʊn.tərˌpɑːrt]
The first syllable 'coun' is stressed and sounds like 'kown-ter-part'.
Common phrases and grammar about counterpart
counterpart - Common meaning
equivalent, match
Part of Speech Changes for "counterpart"
▪ counterparts (plural noun) – more than one counterpart
▪ counterpartship (noun) – the relationship between counterparts
Common Expressions with "counterpart"
▪ counterpart in negotiations – equivalent person in talks
▪ counterpart organization – matching organization on the other side
▪ counterpart role – same role in different setting
▪ counterpart position – similar position in another company
Important examples of counterpart in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, counterpart refers to someone or something that has the same function in a different context.
Example of a confusing word: counterpart vs. counteract (to neutralize)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, counterpart is used as a singular noun and may require correct article usage.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
international counterpart
'equivalent person in another country', used when discussing global roles.
counterpart role
'same role in different setting', used when comparing positions.
Differences between similar words and counterpart
counterpart is used to refer to a person or thing with the same role, while equivalent refers more to things or abstract concepts having equal value or function.
counterpart refers to a corresponding person or thing, while peer refers to someone of equal standing or age.
Words with the same origin as counterpart
The origin of counterpart
counterpart originates from the Latin 'counterpar', meaning a matched pair.
Word structure
The word is composed of the prefix 'counter' (opposite) and 'part' (role), meaning a matching role.
Words with the same origin
The root of counterpart is 'counter', as in 'counterbalance'. Words with the same root include counteract, counterpart, and countermeasure.