customary meaning
customary :
usual, typical
▪ It is customary to shake hands.
▪ It is usual to shake hands.
▪ Wearing a tie is customary at the office.
▪ Wearing a tie is typical at the office.
▪ traditional – usual
▪ conventional – typical
▪ habitual – regular
▪ normal – usual
customary [ˈkʌs.təˌmɛr.i]
The stress is on 'cus' and sounds like 'kus-tuh-mer-ee'.
Common phrases and grammar about customary
customary - Common meaning
usual, typical
Part of Speech Changes for "customary"
▪ custom (noun) – a usual way of doing something
▪ customarily (adverb) – usually or typically
Common Expressions with "customary"
▪ customary practice – usual way of doing things
▪ customary behavior – typical actions
▪ customary law – traditional rules
▪ customary greeting – usual way to say hello
Important examples of customary in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, customary often describes typical actions or behaviors in a workplace.
Example of a confusing word: customer (a person who buys goods or services)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
As an adjective, customary describes actions or behaviors that are typical or expected.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
customary practice
'usual way of doing things', used in discussions about standard procedures.
customary to the core
means 'deeply traditional', used to describe something very typical.
Differences between similar words and customary
Customary means usual for a person or place, while traditional refers to long-established customs.
Words with the same origin as customary
The origin of customary
customary comes from the Latin 'consuetudinarius', meaning 'according to custom'.
Word structure
It has the root 'custom' (habit) and suffix 'ary' (related to), meaning 'related to usual habits'.
Words with the same origin
The root of customary is custom (habit). Words with the same root include customer (a person who buys goods).