customized meaning
customized :
made to fit, personalized
▪ She wore a customized dress.
▪ She wore a dress made just for her.
▪ He drives a customized car.
▪ He drives a car made to his liking.
▪ personalized – made for one person
▪ tailored – adjusted to fit
▪ bespoke – made to order
▪ modified – changed to fit
customized :
to change to fit, to personalize
▪ They customized the software for the client.
▪ They changed the software to fit the client's needs.
▪ She customized her phone settings.
▪ She changed her phone settings to what she likes.
▪ personalize – to make for one person
▪ tailor – to adjust to fit
▪ modify – to change
▪ adapt – to change to suit
customized [ˈkʌstəˌmaɪzd]
The stress is on 'cus' and sounds like 'kus-tuh-myzd'.
Common phrases and grammar about customized
customized - Common meaning
made to fit, personalized
to change to fit, to personalize
Part of Speech Changes for "customized"
▪ customization (noun) – the act of making to fit
▪ custom (noun) – a usual way of doing something
Common Expressions with "customized"
▪ customized product – a product made to fit
▪ customized service – a service made to fit needs
▪ customized solution – a solution made to fit a problem
▪ customized experience – an experience made to fit someone’s wants
Important examples of customized in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, customized often refers to products or services made to fit specific needs.
Example of a confusing word: standardized (made uniform)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
As a verb, customized is used to describe the action of making something fit specific needs or wants.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
customized plan
'a plan made to fit needs', often used in business contexts.
means 'made to fit exactly', used for things made specifically for someone.
Differences between similar words and customized
Customized is used for making things fit needs, while personalize is often used for adding personal touches.
Words with the same origin as customized
The origin of customized
The word's etymology is not clear.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.