deceitful meaning
deceitful :
dishonest, tricky
▪ The deceitful man lied to his friends.
▪ The dishonest man lied to his friends.
▪ Her deceitful actions hurt many people.
▪ Her tricky actions hurt many people.
▪ dishonest – not truthful
▪ misleading – giving the wrong idea
▪ insincere – not genuine
▪ untrustworthy – not reliable
deceitful [dɪˈsiːtfəl]
The stress is on 'ceit' and sounds like 'di-seet-ful'.
Common phrases and grammar about deceitful
deceitful - Common meaning
dishonest, tricky
Part of Speech Changes for "deceitful"
▪ deceit (noun) – the act of lying or tricking
▪ deceive (verb) – to lie or trick someone
▪ deceiver (noun) – a person who lies or tricks
▪ deceitfully (adverb) – in a lying or tricky way
Common Expressions with "deceitful"
▪ deceitful behavior – tricky actions
▪ deceitful person – a person who lies
▪ deceitful tactics – tricky methods
▪ deceitful appearance – looks that trick
Important examples of deceitful in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, deceitful is often used to describe dishonest actions or people.
Example of a confusing word: deceptive (misleading)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Deceitful is often used in grammar questions as an adjective describing a noun, focusing on dishonest behavior.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
deceitful practice
'dishonest method', used when talking about unfair actions in business.
a wolf in sheep's clothing
means 'a deceitful person who seems nice'.
Differences between similar words and deceitful
Deceitful implies actively trying to trick, while dishonest can be simply not telling the truth.
Deceitful involves intent to deceive, while misleading can happen without intent.
Words with the same origin as deceitful
The origin of deceitful
deceitful comes from the Latin 'decipere', which means 'to catch or ensnare'.
Word structure
It has the prefix de (down), root ceit (to take), suffix ful (full of), and means 'full of taking down'.
Words with the same origin
The root of deceitful is ceit (to take). Words with the same root include receive (to get), conceive (to form an idea).