declare meaning
declare :
to announce, to state officially
▪ The government declared a state of emergency.
▪ The government announced a state of emergency.
▪ She declared her intention to run for office.
▪ She announced her plan to run for office.
▪ announce – to make known
▪ proclaim – to state officially
▪ state – to say clearly
▪ publicize – to make known to the public
declare [dɪˈklɛər]
The stress is on the second syllable 'clare' and sounds like 'di-CLAIR'.
Common phrases and grammar about declare
declare - Common meaning
to announce, to state officially
Part of Speech Changes for "declare"
▪ declaration (noun) – an official statement
▪ declarative (adjective) – stating something clearly
Common Expressions with "declare"
▪ declare war – to officially announce war
▪ declare bankruptcy – to officially announce inability to pay debts
▪ declare a winner – to officially announce who won
▪ declare ownership – to officially state ownership of something
Important examples of declare in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, declare is often used to refer to officially stating or announcing something.
Example of a confusing word: disclose (to reveal)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, declare is used as a verb and may appear in structures requiring proper verb form.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
declare intent
'officially state your plan', used in formal contexts.
declare war
means 'to officially announce war', used in news or historical contexts.
Differences between similar words and declare
declare is to formally state something, typically in an official context, while announce is to make something known publicly, not necessarily formally.
declare is to make a formal statement, often by authority, while proclaim is to declare publicly and loudly.
Words with the same origin as declare
The origin of declare
'declare' comes from the Latin 'declarare', which means 'to make clear or announce'.
Word structure
The word ‘declare’ has the prefix 'de-', root 'clar', and suffix '-e', so it means 'to make clear'.
Words with the same origin
The root of declare is 'clar' (clear). Words with the same root include 'clarify', 'clarity', 'clarion', and 'declarative'.