defect meaning
defect :
flaw, problem
▪ There is a defect in the product.
▪ There is a problem with the product.
▪ The car had a serious defect.
▪ The car had a big problem.
▪ flaw – a mistake or problem
▪ imperfection – a small fault
defect :
to leave, to abandon
▪ He decided to defect from the army.
▪ He chose to leave the army.
▪ The spy defected to another country.
▪ The spy left for another country.
▪ abandon – to leave behind
▪ desert – to leave a place or person
defect :
flaw, fault
▪ The defect in the design caused issues.
▪ The flaw in the design caused problems.
▪ A small defect can lead to failure.
▪ A small fault can cause a big problem.
▪ defect – flaw
▪ error – mistake
defect [ˈdiː.fɛkt]
The stress is on the first part 'def' and sounds like 'dee-fekt'.
defect [dɪˈfɛkt]
The stress is on the second part 'fect' and sounds like 'di-fekt'.
Common phrases and grammar about defect
defect - Common meaning
flaw, problem
to leave, to abandon
flaw, fault
Part of Speech Changes for "defect"
▪ defects (plural noun) – multiple faults or problems
▪ defecting (verb) – the act of leaving or abandoning
▪ defectiveness (noun) – the quality of having faults or problems
▪ defectively (adverb) – in a faulty manner
Common Expressions with "defect"
Important examples of defect in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, defect often refers to a problem in a product or service.
Example of a confusing word: defeat (to win over)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, defect can be used as both a noun and a verb, and questions may ask to identify them.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
defect in the system
means 'a flaw in the process', used when talking about issues in operations.
defect from the norm
means 'to differ from what is usual', used when someone or something is not typical.
Differences between similar words and defect
Defect refers to a specific problem, while flaw can be a more general term for any imperfection.
Defect often refers to a physical problem, while error can refer to a mistake in action or judgment.
Words with the same origin as defect
The origin of defect
Defect comes from the Latin word 'deficere,' which means 'to fail' or 'to abandon.' It evolved to mean a flaw or problem.
Word structure
The parts are: 'de' (from), 'fic' (to make), and 't' (verb), meaning 'to make from'.
Words with the same origin
The root of defect is 'facere' (to make). Words with the same root include factory (place where things are made), manufacture (to make by hand), and perfect (to make complete).