durable meaning
durable :
long-lasting, strong
▪ This table is very durable.
▪ This table is very strong.
▪ The shoes are made of durable material.
▪ The shoes are made of strong material.
▪ sturdy – strong
▪ tough – hard to break
▪ resilient – able to recover
▪ robust – strong and healthy
durable [ˈdjʊərəbl]
The stress is on 'dur' and sounds like 'dyoo-ruh-bl'.
Common phrases and grammar about durable
durable - Common meaning
long-lasting, strong
Part of Speech Changes for "durable"
▪ durability (noun) – the quality of being strong and lasting
▪ durably (adverb) – in a way that is strong and lasts
Common Expressions with "durable"
▪ durable goods – items that last a long time
▪ durable material – strong material
▪ durable construction – strong building
▪ durable solution – long-lasting answer
Important examples of durable in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, durable often refers to products or materials that last long.
Example of a confusing word: edible (fit to be eaten)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
As an adjective, durable often modifies nouns like goods, materials, or products in TOEIC questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
durable goods
'items that last long', used in economic contexts.
stand the test of time
means 'to remain strong over time'.
Differences between similar words and durable
Durable means long-lasting and strong, while sturdy emphasizes being solid and firm.
Words with the same origin as durable
The origin of durable
durable comes from the Latin 'durare', meaning 'to last'.
Word structure
It has the root dur (to last) and suffix able (capable of), meaning 'capable of lasting'.
Words with the same origin
The root of durable is dur (to last). Words with the same root include endure (to withstand) and duration (the length of time something lasts).