duration meaning
duration :
length, time
▪ The duration of the movie is two hours.
▪ The length of the movie is two hours.
▪ The meeting's duration was short.
▪ The meeting's time was short.
▪ period – length
▪ span – time
▪ term – length
▪ extent – time
duration [djuˈreɪʃən]
The stress is on 'ra', and it sounds like 'dyoo-ray-shun'.
Common phrases and grammar about duration
duration - Common meaning
length, time
Part of Speech Changes for "duration"
▪ durable (adjective) – able to last a long time
▪ endure (verb) – to last or continue
Common Expressions with "duration"
▪ duration of stay – length of stay
▪ for the duration – for the whole time
▪ duration of the contract – length of the contract
▪ short duration – short time
Important examples of duration in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, duration often refers to the length of meetings or events.
Example of a confusing word: direction (the course or path on which something is moving)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Duration is used as a noun in TOEIC grammar questions, often to indicate the time something takes.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
for the duration
'for the entire time', used when something lasts for a set period.
of short duration
means 'lasting a short time', used when something does not last long.
Differences between similar words and duration
Duration refers to the total time something lasts, while period often refers to a specific time segment.
Duration is the total time something lasts, while span can refer to the range or extent of time.
Words with the same origin as duration
The origin of duration
duration comes from the Latin 'durare', which means 'to last'.
Word structure
The word has the root 'dur' (to last) and suffix 'ation' (noun), meaning 'the act of lasting'.
Words with the same origin
The root of duration is dur (to last). Words with the same root include endure (to last through), durable (able to last).