economize meaning
economize :
to reduce expenses, to save money
▪ We need to economize on our monthly budget.
▪ We need to save money on our monthly budget.
▪ They decided to economize by cutting unnecessary costs.
▪ They decided to save by cutting unnecessary costs.
▪ save – to reduce expenses
▪ cut back – to reduce expenses
▪ reduce – to make smaller
▪ trim – to cut down
economize [ɪˈkɒnəmaɪz]
The verb has the stress on 'con' and sounds like 'i-KON-o-mize'.
Common phrases and grammar about economize
economize - Common meaning
to reduce expenses, to save money
Part of Speech Changes for "economize"
▪ economy (noun) – the system of money and trade of a country
▪ economic (adjective) – related to the economy
▪ economical (adjective) – using money carefully
▪ economist (noun) – a person who studies the economy
Common Expressions with "economize"
▪ economize on expenses – to reduce spending
▪ economize by cutting costs – to save money by reducing expenses
▪ economize your resources – to use resources carefully
▪ economize the budget – to make the budget save money
Important examples of economize in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, economize is often used to describe actions of reducing expenses or saving money.
Example of a confusing word: economize (to be frugal)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Economize is used as a verb and may appear in grammar questions where sentence structure or verb usage is tested.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
Differences between similar words and economize
Economize means to reduce expenses or use resources carefully, while save refers to keeping something for future use or not spending unnecessarily.
Economize means to use resources carefully to reduce expenses, while reduce means to make something smaller or less.
Words with the same origin as economize
The origin of economize
Economize comes from the Greek 'oikonomia', meaning 'household management'.
Word structure
It has the prefix 'eco' (related to house), root 'nom' (manage), and suffix 'ize' (verb), so economize means 'to manage resources carefully'.
Words with the same origin
The root of economize is 'nom', meaning 'manage'. Words with the same root include economy, economic, economical, and economist.