expedite meaning
expedite :
to speed up, to accelerate
▪ We need to expedite the shipment of these items.
▪ We need to speed up the shipment of these items.
▪ The manager expedited the approval process.
▪ The manager accelerated the approval process.
▪ accelerate – speed up
▪ hasten – make faster
▪ quicken – make quicker
▪ facilitate – make easier
expedite [ˈɛk.spə.daɪt]
The stress is on 'ex' and sounds like 'ek-spuh-dyt'.
Common phrases and grammar about expedite
expedite - Common meaning
to speed up, to accelerate
Part of Speech Changes for "expedite"
▪ expeditious (adjective) – done quickly
▪ expeditiously (adverb) – in a quick manner
Common Expressions with "expedite"
▪ expedite the process – make the process faster
▪ expedite the shipping – make shipping quicker
▪ expedite the approval – speed up approval
▪ expedite service – make service faster
Important examples of expedite in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, expedite is usually used to mean to speed up a process or make something happen faster.
Example of a confusing word: expect (to anticipate)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Expedite is used as a transitive verb and needs an object in TOEIC grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
expedite the process
means 'make the process faster', used when referring to speeding up tasks.
expedite the handling
means 'to speed up handling'.
Differences between similar words and expedite
expedite is used to make a process happen more quickly, while accelerate refers to increasing speed, often physically.
expedite is used to make processes faster, while hasten is a more general term for speeding up.
Words with the same origin as expedite
The origin of expedite
The word 'expedite' comes from Latin, meaning to set in motion or make ready.
Word structure
The word 'expedite' is composed of the prefix 'ex' (out), root 'ped' (foot), and suffix 'ite'. It means 'to set in motion'.
Words with the same origin
The root of expedite is 'ped' (foot). Words with the same root include pedal, pedestrian, pedestal, and expedition.