export meaning
export :
shipment, goods for sale
▪ Japan is a major export of cars.
▪ Japan sends many cars to other countries.
▪ The country's exports increased this year.
▪ The things sent to other countries went up this year.
▪ shipment – export
▪ products – goods for sale
▪ merchandise – goods for sale
▪ goods – items sent abroad
export :
send, sell to other countries
▪ The company exports its products worldwide.
▪ The company sends its products to many countries.
▪ They plan to export their goods next year.
▪ They plan to send their items abroad next year.
▪ ship – send
▪ trade – exchange goods
▪ sell abroad – export
▪ send overseas – export
export ['ɛk.spɔrt]
The stress is on the second part 'port' and sounds like 'ek-sport'.
Common phrases and grammar about export
export - Common meaning
shipment, goods for sale
send, sell to other countries
Part of Speech Changes for "export"
▪ exportation (noun) – the action of exporting
▪ exporter (noun) – one who exports goods
▪ exports (plural noun) – multiple goods sent abroad
▪ exportable (adjective) – able to be exported
Common Expressions with "export"
▪ export goods – goods sent to other countries
▪ export market – market in other countries
▪ export industry – industry dealing with exports
▪ export license – permission to export goods
Important examples of export in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, export is often used to refer to goods sent to other countries for sale.
Example of a confusing word: import (to bring in goods)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Export is used as both a noun and a verb; questions may ask to identify its use.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
export market
'a market in other countries', used when discussing sales.
expand export
means 'increase goods sent abroad'.
Differences between similar words and export
Export is to send goods to other countries, while import is to bring goods from other countries.
overseas – import
Export is sending goods out, while trade is the exchange of goods between countries.
Words with the same origin as export
The origin of export
export comes from Latin "exportare" meaning "to carry out".
Word structure
It has the prefix ex (out), root port (carry), suffix -ate (verb). Export means "to carry out".
Words with the same origin
The root of export is port (carry). Words with the same root include transport (carry across), portable (able to carry), porter (one who carries), portfolio (case to carry).