factor meaning
factor :
element, part
▪ Price is a factor in the decision.
▪ Price is a part of the decision.
▪ Weather is a key factor in farming.
▪ Weather is an important part in farming.
▪ component – element
▪ aspect – part
▪ element – part
▪ feature – characteristic
factor :
include, consider
▪ We need to factor in the costs.
▪ We need to include the costs.
▪ They factored the risks into the plan.
▪ They included the risks in the plan.
▪ include – consider
▪ account – consider
▪ calculate – figure out
▪ consider – think about
factor [ˈfæk.tər]
The stress is on 'fac' and sounds like 'fak-ter'.
Common phrases and grammar about factor
factor - Common meaning
element, part
include, consider
Part of Speech Changes for "factor"
▪ factorization (noun) – process of factoring
▪ factoring (noun) – the act of factoring
Common Expressions with "factor"
▪ factor in – include in consideration
▪ key factor – important part
▪ factor out – exclude from consideration
▪ contributing factor – a part that helps cause something
Important examples of factor in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, factor is often used to refer to an element that influences a decision.
Example of a confusing word: feature (a characteristic)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, factor is used as a verb to mean include or consider in calculations or plans.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
factor of production
'element of production', used in economics to describe inputs used to produce goods.
factor in the equation
means 'an element in the calculation', used when discussing mathematical or logical problems.
Differences between similar words and factor
Factor refers to a part that influences a result, while component is a part of a whole, often mechanical.
Factor often implies influence or contribution to a result, while element refers to a basic part of something.
Words with the same origin as factor
The origin of factor
factor comes from the Latin 'factor', meaning 'doer or maker', which evolved to mean 'a part that contributes to a result'.
Word structure
It has the root fact (do or make) and suffix or (noun), meaning 'one who does or makes'.
Words with the same origin
The root of factor is fact (do or make). Words with the same root include factory (a place where things are made), manufacture (to make by hand or machine).