formality meaning
formality :
a rule, a custom
▪ The meeting was just a formality.
▪ The meeting was just a rule.
▪ He completed the formality of signing the papers.
▪ He followed the custom of signing the papers.
▪ procedure – a step or rule
▪ protocol – an official rule
▪ convention – a traditional rule
▪ ritual – a formal action
formality [fɔːrˈmælɪti]
The stress is on 'mal' and sounds like 'for-mal-i-tee'.
Common phrases and grammar about formality
formality - Common meaning
a rule, a custom
Part of Speech Changes for "formality"
▪ formal (adjective) – official or traditional
▪ formally (adverb) – in an official way
Common Expressions with "formality"
▪ complete a formality – to finish a rule
▪ observe a formality – to follow a rule
▪ legal formality – an official rule in law
▪ social formality – a traditional rule in society
Important examples of formality in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, formality often refers to official procedures or customs.
Example of a confusing word: formalism (strict adherence to rules)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, formality is used as a noun to describe actions that are required but not always necessary.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
legal formality
'official procedure', used in legal contexts.
observe a formality
means 'to follow a traditional rule'.
Differences between similar words and formality
Formality is a rule or custom, while procedure is a series of actions followed in a set order.
Formality is a general rule or custom, while protocol is a specific set of rules for official situations.
Words with the same origin as formality
The origin of formality
The word formality comes from the Latin 'formalis', which means related to form or structure.
Word structure
It has the root form (shape or structure) and suffix ality (state or condition), meaning a state of following rules.
Words with the same origin
The root of formality is form (shape or structure). Words with the same root include format (arrangement) and reform (to change structure).