frigid meaning
frigid :
very cold, icy
▪ The weather is frigid today.
▪ The weather is very cold today.
▪ She gave him a frigid look.
▪ She gave him a cold look.
▪ icy – very cold
▪ chilly – cool or cold
▪ freezing – very cold
▪ frosty – cold and icy
frigid [ˈfrɪdʒɪd]
The stress is on 'fri' and sounds like 'frij-id'.
Common phrases and grammar about frigid
frigid - Common meaning
very cold, icy
Part of Speech Changes for "frigid"
▪ frigidity (noun) – the state of being very cold
▪ frigidly (adverb) – in a very cold manner
Common Expressions with "frigid"
▪ frigid climate – very cold weather
▪ frigid air – very cold air
▪ frigid response – cold or unfriendly reply
▪ frigid temperatures – very low temperatures
Important examples of frigid in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, frigid is often used to describe very cold weather or environments.
Example of a confusing word: rigid (stiff or inflexible)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
As an adjective, frigid is used to describe both physical coldness and emotional coldness in TOEIC questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
frigid reception
'cold welcome', used when someone is not warmly received.
frigid zone
means 'cold area', used to describe areas near the poles.
Differences between similar words and frigid
Frigid means extremely cold, while icy often refers to being covered with ice or very cold.
Frigid means very cold, while chilly refers to a cool or slightly cold feeling.
Words with the same origin as frigid
The origin of frigid
frigid comes from the Latin 'frigidus', which means cold or cool.
Word structure
It has the root frig (cold) and suffix id (adjective), meaning 'cold'.
Words with the same origin
The root of frigid is frig (cold). Words with the same root include refrigerate (to cool).