hospitable meaning
hospitable :
friendly, welcoming
▪ The host was very hospitable.
▪ The host was very friendly.
▪ They are hospitable to new neighbors.
▪ They are welcoming to new neighbors.
▪ welcoming – friendly
▪ cordial – warm
▪ friendly – kind
▪ accommodating – helpful
hospitable [hɒˈspɪtəbl]
The stress is on 'spi' and sounds like 'hos-pit-uh-bl'.
Common phrases and grammar about hospitable
hospitable - Common meaning
friendly, welcoming
Part of Speech Changes for "hospitable"
▪ hospitality (noun) – friendliness to guests
▪ hospitably (adverb) – in a friendly way
Common Expressions with "hospitable"
▪ be hospitable to – be friendly to
▪ hospitable environment – friendly place
▪ hospitable reception – warm welcome
▪ naturally hospitable – naturally friendly
Important examples of hospitable in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, hospitable is often used to describe welcoming people or environments.
Example of a confusing word: hostile (unfriendly)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
As an adjective, hospitable describes people or places that are welcoming, often appearing in grammar questions about adjectives.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
warm and hospitable
'friendly and welcoming', used to describe people or places.
open arms
means 'to welcome warmly', used to describe a hospitable attitude.
Differences between similar words and hospitable
Hospitable often implies a more formal or traditional sense of friendliness, while welcoming is more casual.
Hospitable suggests a readiness to offer help or services, while cordial is more about being warm and polite.
Words with the same origin as hospitable
The origin of hospitable
hospitable comes from the Latin 'hospitabilis', which means 'friendly to guests'.
Word structure
It has the root hospit (guest) and suffix able (capable of), meaning 'capable of being friendly to guests'.
Words with the same origin
The root of hospitable is hospit (guest). Words with the same root include hospital (place for guests/patients), host (one who receives guests), and hospice (care place for guests).