imperative meaning
imperative :
very important, necessary
▪ It is imperative to follow the rules.
▪ It is very important to follow the rules.
▪ Water is imperative for life.
▪ Water is necessary for life.
▪ crucial – very important
▪ essential – necessary
▪ vital – very important
▪ urgent – needing quick action
imperative :
a command, an order
▪ The teacher gave an imperative to study.
▪ The teacher gave a command to study.
▪ Obeying the imperative is important.
▪ Following the order is important.
▪ command – an order
▪ order – a direction
▪ instruction – a guide
▪ directive – an official order
imperative [ɪmˈpɛrətɪv]
The stress is on 'per' and sounds like 'im-per-uh-tiv'.
Common phrases and grammar about imperative
imperative - Common meaning
very important, necessary
a command, an order
Part of Speech Changes for "imperative"
▪ imperatively (adverb) – in a way that is very important
▪ imperativeness (noun) – the quality of being very important
Common Expressions with "imperative"
▪ imperative need – a very important need
▪ imperative command – a necessary order
▪ imperative action – a necessary action
▪ imperative duty – a very important duty
Important examples of imperative in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, imperative is often used to mean something very important or necessary.
Example of a confusing word: optional (not required)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, imperative is used to describe necessary actions or commands.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
imperative necessity
'very important need', used to stress the importance of an action.
imperative mood
means 'a verb form that gives commands'.
Differences between similar words and imperative
Imperative is used for necessary actions or commands, while crucial is used for very important things.
Imperative often refers to commands or duties, while essential refers to things that are absolutely necessary.
Words with the same origin as imperative
The origin of imperative
imperative comes from the Latin 'imperativus', which means 'commanding'.
Word structure
It has the prefix im (in), root per (prepare), and suffix ative (relating to), so imperative means 'relating to commands'.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.