implausible meaning
implausible :
unlikely, unbelievable
▪ His story was implausible and hard to believe.
▪ His story was unlikely and hard to accept.
▪ It is implausible that a cat can talk.
▪ It is unbelievable that a cat can speak.
▪ unbelievable – not able to be believed
▪ improbable – not likely to happen
implausible [ɪmˈplɔː.zə.bəl]
The stress is on 'plau' and sounds like 'im-plaw-zuh-buhl'.
Common phrases and grammar about implausible
implausible - Common meaning
unlikely, unbelievable
Part of Speech Changes for "implausible"
▪ implausibly (adverb) – in a way that is not believable
▪ implausibleness (noun) – the quality of being implausible
Common Expressions with "implausible"
Important examples of implausible in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, implausible is often used to describe something that cannot happen or is not true.
Example of a confusing word: impossible (not able to occur)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, implausible is used as an adjective to describe nouns.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
implausible explanation
'an explanation that is hard to believe', used when discussing reasons.
implausible as it may seem
means 'even if it seems unlikely', used to introduce a surprising idea.
Differences between similar words and implausible
Implausible means something is unlikely, while unbelievable means something cannot be accepted as true.
Implausible describes something that is unlikely to happen, while improbable means it is not likely but still possible.
Words with the same origin as implausible
The origin of implausible
The word 'implausible' comes from Latin roots, where 'in-' means 'not' and 'plausibilis' means 'worthy of applause' or 'believable'.
Word structure
The parts are: 'in' (not), 'plaus' (worthy of applause), and 'ible' (able to), meaning 'not able to be believed'.
Words with the same origin
The root of implausible is plaus (worthy of applause). Words with the same root include plausible (believable) and applause (clapping for someone).