improvise meaning
improvise :
to create, to perform without planning
▪ She had to improvise a speech because the notes were lost.
▪ She made up a speech on the spot when the notes were missing.
▪ During the concert, the band decided to improvise a new song.
▪ During the show, the band chose to create a new song spontaneously.
▪ create – to make something new
▪ perform – to present to an audience
▪ make up – to invent something
▪ act spontaneously – to perform without preparation
improvise [ɪmˈprɒv.aɪz]
The stress is on the second syllable 'prov' and sounds like 'im-PROV-ize'.
Common phrases and grammar about improvise
improvise - Common meaning
to create, to perform without planning
Part of Speech Changes for "improvise"
▪ improvisation (noun) – creating or performing without preparation
▪ improvised (adjective) – made or done without being planned
Common Expressions with "improvise"
▪ improvise a speech – to create a speech without planning
▪ improvise a solution – to make up a solution on the spot
▪ improvise music – to perform music without pre-planning
▪ improvise equipment – to use available items as needed
Important examples of improvise in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, improvise usually means to create something quickly without prior planning.
Example of a confusing word: improve (to make better)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, improvise is used as a verb that often requires an object to describe what is created or performed spontaneously.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
improvise on stage
means to perform without a script
improvise a plan
to make a plan up quickly
Differences between similar words and improvise
improvise means to create on the spot, while ad-lib often refers specifically to speaking spontaneously during a performance.
make up – a similar meaning to improvise
improvising is often for performances, while make up can be used in various contexts.
Words with the same origin as improvise
The origin of improvise
improvise comes from Latin 'improvisare', meaning 'to provide without prior planning.'
Word structure
The word is composed of the prefix 'im-' and the root 'provid', so 'improvise' means 'to provide without prior planning.'
Words with the same origin
The root of improvise is 'provid'. Words with the same root include provide, provision, provident, and providence.