incur meaning
incur :
to experience, to bring upon oneself
▪ They may incur additional costs due to the delay.
▪ They may experience extra costs because of the delay.
▪ If you don't follow the rules, you may incur penalties.
▪ If you don't follow the rules, you may experience penalties.
▪ face – to experience
▪ suffer – to experience
▪ bring upon – to cause to experience
▪ acquire – to get (as a result)
incur [ɪnˈkɜːr]
The stress is on 'cure' and sounds like 'in-kur'.
Common phrases and grammar about incur
incur - Common meaning
to experience, to bring upon oneself
Part of Speech Changes for "incur"
▪ incurred (adjective) – experienced as a result
▪ incurable (adjective) – not able to be fixed or cured
Common Expressions with "incur"
▪ incur costs – to experience costs
▪ incur expenses – to face expenses
▪ incur a loss – to experience a loss
▪ incur debt – to take on debt
Important examples of incur in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, incur usually means to experience or bring upon costs or expenses due to actions.
Example of a confusing word: occur (to happen)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, incur is used as a transitive verb, requiring an object.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
incur costs
'experience costs', used when talking about financial impact.
incur penalties
'experience penalties', used when discussing consequences of actions.
Differences between similar words and incur
incur is used for bringing upon oneself something bad as a result of actions, while encounter is to meet or face something, not necessarily due to one's actions.
incur implies the costs arise due to one's actions, while experience is more general about undergoing something.
Words with the same origin as incur
The origin of incur
The word 'incur' comes from the Latin 'incurrere', meaning 'to run into'.
Word structure
It has the prefix 'in' (into), root 'curr' (run), and no suffix, so 'incur' means 'to run into' something.
Words with the same origin
The root of incur is 'curr' (run). Words with the same root include current, currency, occur, and concur.