inherently meaning
inherently :
naturally, essentially
▪ The job is inherently risky.
▪ The job is naturally risky.
▪ She is inherently kind.
▪ She is naturally kind.
▪ intrinsically – naturally
▪ fundamentally – basically
▪ essentially – importantly
▪ innately – by nature
inherently [ɪnˈhɛrəntli]
The stress is on 'her' and sounds like 'in-hair-uhnt-lee'.
Common phrases and grammar about inherently
inherently - Common meaning
naturally, essentially
Part of Speech Changes for "inherently"
▪ inherent (adjective) – natural or essential
▪ inherence (noun) – the quality of being inherent
Common Expressions with "inherently"
▪ inherently dangerous – naturally risky
▪ inherently valuable – naturally important
▪ inherently flawed – naturally imperfect
▪ inherently unstable – naturally unsteady
Important examples of inherently in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, inherently is often used to describe something's natural quality.
Example of a confusing word: inherently vs. inherently (no confusing word here as inherently is an adverb)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, inherently is used to modify adjectives or verbs, highlighting a natural characteristic.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
inherently biased
means 'naturally unfair', used when something is unfair by nature.
inherently unequal
means 'naturally not equal', used when something is unequal by nature.
Differences between similar words and inherently
Inherently refers to something's natural quality, while intrinsically often implies something's essential nature.
Words with the same origin as inherently
The origin of inherently
The word 'inherently' comes from the Latin 'inhaerere', meaning 'to stick in or to be inherent'.
Word structure
It has the prefix in (in), root here (stick), suffix ently (adverb), and means 'in a sticking way'.
Words with the same origin
The root of inherently is here (stick). Words with the same root include adhere (to stick to).