instructor meaning
instructor :
teacher, trainer
▪ The instructor teaches students in the classroom.
▪ The teacher teaches students in the classroom.
▪ The fitness instructor showed us the exercises.
▪ The trainer showed us the exercises.
▪ teacher – someone who teaches
▪ trainer – someone who trains others
▪ educator – a person who educates
▪ mentor – a guide or advisor
instructor [ɪnˈstrʌk.tər]
The stress is on the second syllable 'struct', sounds like 'in-STRUCK-tor'.
Common phrases and grammar about instructor
instructor - Common meaning
teacher, trainer
Part of Speech Changes for "instructor"
▪ instruction (noun) – the act of teaching or training
▪ instruct (verb) – to teach or train someone
▪ instructional (adjective) – related to teaching or instruction
▪ instructively (adverb) – in a manner of teaching or training
Common Expressions with "instructor"
▪ driving instructor – a person who teaches driving
▪ fitness instructor – a person who teaches fitness classes
▪ language instructor – a person who teaches languages
▪ lead an instructor-led training – a training led by an instructor
Important examples of instructor in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, instructor is used to describe someone who teaches or provides training.
Example of a confusing word: inspector (examiner)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Instructor is typically a noun, questions may ask to choose the correct noun form.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
driving instructor
'someone who teaches driving', used in business or travel contexts.
private instructor
'a personal teacher', used to specify the type of instructor.
Differences between similar words and instructor
Instructor refers to someone who teaches or trains, typically in a specific field, while teacher is a more general term for someone who teaches in schools.
Instructor is someone who teaches or trains in a specific field; trainer is someone who trains people, often in physical training or skills development.
Words with the same origin as instructor
The origin of instructor
The word 'instructor' comes from the Latin 'instruere', which means 'to build or arrange'.
Word structure
It has the prefix 'in' (in), root 'struct' (build), and suffix 'or' (person), so instructor means 'a person who builds or teaches'.
Words with the same origin
The root of instructor is 'struct' (build). Words with the same root include construct, structure, instruct, instruction.