introduction meaning
introduction :
beginning, opening
▪ The introduction of the book is interesting.
▪ The beginning of the book is interesting.
▪ She gave a short introduction before the speech.
▪ She gave a short opening before the speech.
▪ preface – beginning
▪ start – opening
▪ debut – first appearance
▪ launch – beginning of something new
introduction [ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən]
The stress is on 'duc' and sounds like 'in-truh-duhk-shun'.
Common phrases and grammar about introduction
introduction - Common meaning
beginning, opening
Part of Speech Changes for "introduction"
▪ introduce (verb) – to start or bring in something new
▪ introductory (adjective) – related to the beginning
Common Expressions with "introduction"
▪ introduction of a product – start of a new product
▪ introduction to a topic – beginning of a topic
▪ make an introduction – to start something new
▪ brief introduction – short beginning
Important examples of introduction in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, introduction often refers to the start of a new product or idea.
Example of a confusing word: induction (the process of formally introducing someone to a new job or position)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Introduction is used as a noun in TOEIC grammar questions, often referring to the beginning of something.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
introduction to the market
'start in the market', used when a new product is launched.
introduction to the fold
means 'to join a group', used when someone new joins a team.
Differences between similar words and introduction
Introduction is a general start, while preface is a specific beginning in books.
Words with the same origin as introduction
The origin of introduction
introduction comes from the Latin 'introductio', meaning 'a leading in or bringing in'.
Word structure
It has the prefix intro (inside), root duc (lead), and suffix tion (noun), meaning 'to lead inside'.
Words with the same origin
The root of introduction is duc (lead). Words with the same root include conduct (to lead), educate (to lead out).