intrusive meaning
intrusive :
unwelcome, bothersome
▪ The noise was intrusive.
▪ The noise was bothersome.
▪ His questions were intrusive.
▪ His questions were unwelcome.
▪ invasive – unwelcome
▪ meddlesome – bothersome
▪ obtrusive – noticeable in an unwelcome way
▪ pushy – too forceful
intrusive [ɪnˈtruːsɪv]
The stress is on 'tru' and sounds like 'in-troo-siv'.
Common phrases and grammar about intrusive
intrusive - Common meaning
unwelcome, bothersome
Part of Speech Changes for "intrusive"
▪ intrusion (noun) – an unwelcome entry
▪ intrude (verb) – to enter without welcome
▪ intrusively (adverb) – in an unwelcome manner
Common Expressions with "intrusive"
▪ intrusive noise – bothersome sound
▪ intrusive question – unwelcome question
▪ intrusive behavior – bothersome actions
▪ intrusive thoughts – unwelcome ideas
Important examples of intrusive in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, intrusive is often used to describe unwelcome actions or behaviors.
Example of a confusing word: intuitive (instinctive)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Intrusive is used as an adjective to describe actions or things that are unwelcome, often appearing in grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
intrusive advertising
'unwelcome ads', used when ads are too aggressive.
intrusive thoughts
'unwanted ideas', used in psychology to describe persistent thoughts.
Differences between similar words and intrusive
Intrusive refers to being unwelcome or bothersome, while invasive often implies spreading or entering aggressively.
Intrusive means unwelcome or bothersome, while obtrusive means noticeable in an unwelcome way.
Words with the same origin as intrusive
The origin of intrusive
The word's etymology is not clear.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.