job meaning
job :
work, task
▪ She has a new job at the store.
▪ She has new work at the store.
▪ His job is to clean the office.
▪ His task is to clean the office.
▪ position – work
▪ occupation – task
▪ employment – work
▪ profession – task
job [dʒɒb]
The stress is on the whole word and sounds like 'jahb'.
Common phrases and grammar about job
job - Common meaning
work, task
Part of Speech Changes for "job"
▪ jobless (adjective) – without work
▪ jobbing (adjective) – working by the job
Common Expressions with "job"
▪ job offer – offer of work
▪ job description – details of work
▪ job interview – meeting for work
▪ job market – work market
Important examples of job in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, job is often used to refer to a person's work or employment.
Example of a confusing word: task (a specific piece of work)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Job is a noun and often shows up in grammar questions when talking about employment or tasks.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
job satisfaction
'happiness with work', used when talking about how people feel about their work.
job well done
means 'a task done successfully', used to praise someone's work.
Differences between similar words and job
Job refers to the specific work someone does, while position often refers to the role or title within a company.
Job is a broader term for employment, while task refers to a specific duty or piece of work.
Words with the same origin as job
The origin of job
The word's etymology is not clear.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.