liquor meaning
liquor :
alcohol, spirits
▪ He bought a bottle of liquor.
▪ He bought a bottle of alcohol.
▪ Liquor is not allowed for minors.
▪ Alcohol is not allowed for young people.
▪ spirits – strong alcoholic drink
▪ booze – informal for alcoholic drink
▪ alcohol – drink with ethanol
▪ hard drink – strong alcoholic drink
liquor [ˈlɪkər]
The stress is on 'liq' and sounds like 'li-kur'.
Common phrases and grammar about liquor
liquor - Common meaning
alcohol, spirits
Part of Speech Changes for "liquor"
▪ liquory (adjective) – having the qualities of liquor
▪ liquored (adjective) – having consumed liquor
Common Expressions with "liquor"
▪ liquor store – a shop selling alcoholic drinks
▪ liquor license – permission to sell alcohol
▪ liquor cabinet – a place to store alcoholic drinks
▪ distilled liquor – alcohol made by distillation
Important examples of liquor in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, liquor often refers to a type of alcoholic beverage.
Example of a confusing word: liqueur (a sweet alcoholic beverage)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Liquor is a noun and is often used in context with selling or consuming alcohol in TOEIC questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
liquor store
'shop for alcohol', used when talking about places that sell alcohol.
in high spirits
means 'happy and lively', often used in a positive context.
Differences between similar words and liquor
Liquor is a general term for strong alcoholic drinks, while spirits specifically refer to distilled drinks.
Liquor is a formal term for alcoholic drinks, while booze is informal and often used in casual settings.
Words with the same origin as liquor
The origin of liquor
The word 'liquor' comes from the Latin 'liquor', meaning 'fluidity' or 'liquid'.
Word structure
The analysis of the word's composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The word's root is unclear or difficult to confirm.