live meaning
live :
to exist, to be alive
▪ I want to live in a big city.
▪ I want to exist in a big city.
▪ She lives in a small house.
▪ She exists in a small house.
▪ exist – to be alive or present
▪ reside – to live in a place
▪ survive – to continue to live
▪ dwell – to live in a place
live [lɪv]
The stress is on the single syllable and sounds like 'liv'.
Common phrases and grammar about live
live - Common meaning
to exist, to be alive
Part of Speech Changes for "live"
Common Expressions with "live"
Important examples of live in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, live often refers to where someone exists or resides.
Example of a confusing word: leave (to go away from)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Live is often used as an intransitive verb, meaning it does not take a direct object in grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
live in the moment
means 'to enjoy the present time'.
live and let live
means 'to allow others to live their lives'.
Differences between similar words and live
Live means to be alive, while exist can mean to be present without the idea of life.
Live means to actively exist in a place, while reside often refers to a more permanent situation.
Words with the same origin as live
The origin of live
Live comes from the Old English 'libban', which meant 'to be alive' and has evolved to mean existing in a place.
Word structure
The composition is unclear.
Words with the same origin
The root of live is 'lib', and words with the same root include liberty (freedom) and liberate (to set free).