manual meaning
manual :
done by hand, not automatic
▪ This car has a manual transmission.
▪ This car needs to be driven by hand.
▪ Manual labor is hard work.
▪ Physical work is hard.
▪ hand-operated – done by hand
▪ physical – involving the body
manual :
a book of instructions
▪ Read the manual before using the device.
▪ Read the instruction book first.
▪ The manual explains how to fix it.
▪ The instruction book tells how to fix it.
▪ guidebook – instruction book
▪ handbook – small instruction book
manual [ˈmæn.ju.əl]
The stress is on 'man' and sounds like 'man-yoo-uhl'.
Common phrases and grammar about manual
manual - Common meaning
done by hand, not automatic
a book of instructions
Part of Speech Changes for "manual"
▪ manually (adverb) – by hand
▪ manualize (verb) – to make manual
Common Expressions with "manual"
▪ manual transmission – a car gear system operated by hand
▪ manual labor – physical work done by hand
▪ instruction manual – a book with instructions
▪ user manual – a guide for users
Important examples of manual in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, manual is often used to describe work or processes done by hand.
Example of a confusing word: automatic (self-operating)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, manual can appear as an adjective to describe a noun, often in contrast to automatic.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
user manual
'guide for users', used in product packaging.
manual dexterity
means 'skill with hands', often used in job descriptions.
Differences between similar words and manual
Manual involves doing things by hand, while automatic involves machines doing tasks.
Words with the same origin as manual
The origin of manual
manual comes from the Latin 'manualis', meaning 'of the hand'. It originally referred to tasks done by hand.
Word structure
It has the root manu (hand) and suffix al (related to), meaning 'related to the hand'.
Words with the same origin
The root of manual is manu (hand). Words with the same root include manuscript (a handwritten document), manufacture (to make by hand), manipulate (to handle or control).