naturally meaning
naturally :
in a normal way, as expected
▪ She naturally smiled when happy.
▪ She smiled in a normal way when happy.
▪ The plants grew naturally.
▪ The plants grew in a normal way.
▪ normally – in a usual way
▪ typically – as expected
▪ inherently – by nature
▪ automatically – without thinking
naturally [ˈnætʃ.ər.əl.i]
The stress is on 'nat' and sounds like 'nat-chuh-ruh-lee'.
Common phrases and grammar about naturally
naturally - Common meaning
in a normal way, as expected
Part of Speech Changes for "naturally"
▪ nature (noun) – the natural world
▪ natural (adjective) – normal or expected
▪ naturalize (verb) – to make natural
Common Expressions with "naturally"
▪ occur naturally – happen in a normal way
▪ behave naturally – act in a normal way
▪ look naturally – appear in a normal way
▪ feel naturally – sense in a normal way
Important examples of naturally in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, naturally is often used to describe actions that happen without effort.
Example of a confusing word: artificially (unnaturally)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Naturally is used as an adverb to describe how something happens or is done in TOEIC grammar questions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
naturally inclined
'having a natural tendency', used to describe someone’s usual behavior.
take to something naturally
means 'to be good at something without trying'.
Differences between similar words and naturally
Naturally implies a more inherent or instinctive action, while normally refers to what is usual or common.
Words with the same origin as naturally
The origin of naturally
The word 'naturally' comes from the Latin 'naturalis', meaning 'by nature'.
Word structure
It has the root 'nature' (natural world) and the suffix 'ly' (adverb), meaning 'in a natural way'.
Words with the same origin
The root of naturally is 'nature'. Words with the same root include natural (normal), nurture (care for), and innate (inborn).