nutrition meaning
nutrition :
provisions for health, food for growth
▪ Good nutrition is important for children.
▪ Healthy food is important for children.
▪ Proper nutrition helps the body.
▪ Good food helps the body.
▪ nourishment – provisions for health
▪ sustenance – food for growth
nutrition [njuˈtrɪʃən]
The stress is on 'trish' and sounds like 'nyoo-trish-uhn'.
Common phrases and grammar about nutrition
nutrition - Common meaning
provisions for health, food for growth
Part of Speech Changes for "nutrition"
▪ nutritional (adjective) – related to nutrition
▪ nutritionally (adverb) – in a nutritional way
Common Expressions with "nutrition"
▪ proper nutrition – healthy and sufficient food
▪ balanced nutrition – a mix of different healthy foods
▪ good nutrition – healthy eating habits
▪ nutrition facts – information on food labels
Important examples of nutrition in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, nutrition refers to the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
Example of a confusing word: nutrient (a substance that provides nourishment)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Nutrition is an uncountable noun, so it doesn't use 'a' or 'an'.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
nutrition facts
labels that show the nutrients in food
Differences between similar words and nutrition
nutrition refers to the process and substance of maintaining health, while nourishment focuses more on the food itself.
nutrition refers to the detailed content and benefits from food, while sustenance refers to the basic means of survival.
Words with the same origin as nutrition
The origin of nutrition
nutrition comes from the Latin word 'nutritio', meaning 'nourishment'.
Word structure
nutrition is made up of the root 'nutri' (to nourish) and the suffix 'tion' (noun), so it means 'the process of nourishing'.
Words with the same origin
nourish, nutrient, nutritionist, unnutritious