ownership meaning
ownership :
owner, possession
▪ She has ownership of the car.
▪ She possesses the car.
▪ They transferred ownership to the new manager.
▪ They transferred possession to the new manager.
▪ possession – owner
▪ property – possession
▪ control – possession
ownership [ˈoʊnərʃɪp]
The stress is on the first syllable 'own' and sounds like 'OW-ner-ship'.
Common phrases and grammar about ownership
ownership - Common meaning
owner, possession
Part of Speech Changes for "ownership"
▪ own (verb) – to possess something
▪ owner (noun) – a person who owns something
▪ owned (adjective) – possessed by someone
Common Expressions with "ownership"
▪ have ownership – to possess something
▪ transfer ownership – to give possession to someone else
▪ regain ownership – to get possession back
▪ full ownership – complete possession
Important examples of ownership in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC word questions, ownership refers to possessing or having something as property.
Example of a confusing word: partnership (a business relationship)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC grammar questions, ownership is used as a noun and may require correct articles or prepositions.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
There are no common idioms with ownership in TOEIC Part 7 passages.
There are no unique idiomatic expressions with ownership in TOEIC Part 7 passages.
Differences between similar words and ownership
'Ownership' refers to having legal rights to something, while 'possession' is having physical control.
property – ownership
'Ownership' refers to legal rights, while 'property' refers to the things owned.
Words with the same origin as ownership
The origin of ownership
The word 'ownership' comes from 'own' combined with the suffix '-ship', which indicates the state or condition.
Word structure
It has the root 'own' and the suffix '-ship', so 'ownership' means the state of owning.
Words with the same origin
The root of 'ownership' is 'own'. Words with the same root include 'own' and 'owner'.