periodical meaning
periodical :
happening regularly, repeated
▪ The meetings are periodical.
▪ The meetings happen regularly.
▪ She takes periodical breaks.
▪ She takes regular breaks.
▪ regular – happening often
▪ recurring – happening again
▪ cyclical – happening in cycles
▪ repeated – happening many times
periodical :
a magazine or journal published regularly
▪ She reads a periodical every month.
▪ She reads a magazine every month.
▪ The library has many periodicals.
▪ The library has many magazines.
▪ magazine – a regular publication
▪ journal – a regular publication
▪ publication – something published
▪ bulletin – a regular update
periodical [ˌpɪə.riˈɒd.ɪ.kəl]
The stress is on 'od' and sounds like 'peer-ee-od-i-kul'.
Common phrases and grammar about periodical
periodical - Common meaning
happening regularly, repeated
a magazine or journal published regularly
Part of Speech Changes for "periodical"
▪ periodically (adverb) – happening regularly
▪ periodicity (noun) – the quality of being regular
Common Expressions with "periodical"
▪ periodical review – a regular check
▪ periodical publication – a regular magazine
▪ periodical meeting – a regular meeting
▪ periodical update – a regular update
Important examples of periodical in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, periodical is often used to describe regular publications or meetings.
Example of a confusing word: periodic (occurring at intervals)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Periodical is often used as an adjective in TOEIC grammar questions to describe regular events.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
periodical subscription
'regular subscription', used when talking about subscribing to magazines or journals.
periodical table
means 'a regular chart', used to refer to the periodic table in science.
Differences between similar words and periodical
Periodical often refers to events or publications at fixed times, while regular can mean frequent but not fixed.
Periodical is used for fixed intervals, while cyclical refers to events in cycles, which may not be fixed.
Words with the same origin as periodical
The origin of periodical
periodical comes from the Greek 'periodikos', which means 'coming around at regular intervals'.
Word structure
It has the root period (time) and suffix ical (related to), meaning 'related to regular times'.
Words with the same origin
The root of periodical is period (time). Words with the same root include periodic (happening at intervals).