permanent meaning
permanent :
lasting, enduring
▪ She has a permanent job now.
▪ She has a job that lasts for a long time now.
▪ The marker is permanent.
▪ The marker will last and not go away.
▪ lasting – enduring
▪ enduring – long-lasting
▪ stable – not changing
▪ constant – unchanging
permanent [ˈpɜːrmənənt]
The stress is on 'per', and it sounds like 'pur-muh-nuhnt'.
Common phrases and grammar about permanent
permanent - Common meaning
lasting, enduring
Part of Speech Changes for "permanent"
▪ permanence (noun) – the state of lasting forever
▪ permanently (adverb) – in a way that lasts forever
Common Expressions with "permanent"
▪ permanent address – a lasting address
▪ permanent solution – a lasting solution
▪ permanent resident – a person who lives in a place forever
▪ permanent marker – a marker that lasts and does not erase
Important examples of permanent in TOEIC
Vocabulary examples from the TOEIC test
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, permanent is often used to describe something that does not change.
Example of a confusing word: temporary (not lasting)
Grammar examples from the TOEIC test
Permanent is often used as an adjective in grammar questions, describing nouns that do not change or end.
Idioms and fixed expressions in TOEIC
permanent fixture
'a lasting part of a place', used to describe something that is always there.
permanent wave
means 'a hairstyle that lasts for a long time'.
Differences between similar words and permanent
Permanent means to last forever, while lasting means to last for a long time but not necessarily forever.
Words with the same origin as permanent
The origin of permanent
permanent comes from the Latin 'permanens', meaning 'remaining to the end'.
Word structure
It has the prefix per (through), root man (stay), suffix ent (adjective), and means 'staying through'.
Words with the same origin
The root of permanent is man (stay). Words with the same root include remain (to stay), mansion (a place to stay).